Civil Service Commission RO V Web Portal
We want to digitize our services and processess to serve you better. And lead the Philippine government to global digitalization.

The Civil Service Commission RO V, blazing the trail in digital online learning in the Philippine Government amidst the pandeic introduces different modes of learning opportunities to the public. This includes Online Courses, Online Events such as GEDSI Forum, Regional Convention of HRMPs, and IT Congress. We also offer free and paid webinars to keep our learners updated with the new policies.

This is the CSC RO V's Online Recruitment for Excellence or (C.O.R.E.). A system designed to facilitate the publication, application, assessment and evaluation of vacant positions in CSC RO V regional and field offices.

We identify the learning and development needs of employees in Region V. The result of this survey will be critical in identifying learning and development interventions that are responsive to your competency needs and the goals of your agency.Your responses are significant to the success of this endeavor and will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be solely used for developmental purposes.

The Qualification Standards (QS) in the government is essential to agencies in filing-up their vacancies. This contains a list of positions and its minimum requirements to guide agencies in their recruitment process.

The Civil Service Eligibility Verification System (CSEVS), which was internally developed, is an online search platform that allows access to the database of eligible individuals who have successfully passed the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT), Computerized Examination (COMEX), and Computer Assisted Test. Additionally, it includes individuals who have been granted eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances.

If you recently applied for grant of eligibility under special laws such as Honor Graduate Eligibility (PD 907), Barangay Official Eligibility (BOE), Skills Eligibility (MC 11) and CSE-Preference Rating (CSE-PR), check the status of your application at this website.

Step ahead to gain an eligibility by taking the CSC Career Examination through the Computerized Examination. Sign-up for an account to start your journey.

The easy-to-use Room and School assignmnet system for Career Service Examination applicants of Region V.

COMEX SYS is an online system designed for exam applicants to save a seat for a COMEX schedule. This facility manages twenty (20) applications for every examination schedule. The schedules and other informaion are published at the CSC RO V Official Facebook Page.